It goes without saying that we expose our bodies to toxins every day through the food that we eat, the air that we breathe and the environment that surrounds us. Our bodies have organs that are designed to detoxify and release these toxins from our bodies. Our kidneys, liver, intestines, lungs, and skin all work to absorb these toxins and flush them out of our system. However, problems can happen when there is an abundance of toxins ingested or absorbed resulting in our bodies working overtime to secrete them. When they cannot find the means to secrete them properly, the toxins become absorbed and trapped in our bodies causing us to experience illness and chronic conditions. Toxins in your body can lead to a number of health issues and complications. When our bodies experience toxin accumulation, you can begin to notice it with signs of the following. Skin Issues Acne, eczema, and psoriasis are all common conditions of an overload of toxins in your body. They are usually related to your diet or products that you place on your skin. These conditions are a strong indication that your level of toxicity has reached its highest capacity. Chronic Fatigue When you feel constantly tired, it is a result of your body telling you that it has been overworked. It is working too hard to fight off the toxins and now you are feeling tired more frequently, even with adequate amounts of sleep. These toxins can be affecting your immune system that causes you to constantly feel tired. Fat and Weight Gain No matter how much you exercise or control your diet, your body is still so stubborn at losing excess weight. What is worse is that you may experience even more weight gain. This can be a result of a hormonal imbalance. Your hormones become out of whack when they are invaded by toxins in your diet and products you use. Muscle Pain and Soreness There is a difference between experiencing muscles soreness from a workout and from one that comes from toxicity in your body. Soreness from a workout can be eased through stretching and time. Soreness or pain from toxicity can be at random and happen chronically without alleviation from stretching. Related Article: “5 Kick-Ass Benefits of Cleansing” Smell Sensitivities Many of us are sensitive to particular smells due in large part to the chemicals that are in those fragrances. However, if you begin to experience headaches and/or stomach pain with smelling those fragrances, it can mean that your body is currently experiencing a toxin overload. Constipation and Irregular Bowel Movements Our digestive tract is supposed to work at getting rid of toxins in our stomach and intestines. When too many toxins become present, it can cause irritability, headaches, and fatigue. This can cause your body to feel constipated and pose issues with your bowel movements. You might also become constipated because of a poor diet consisting of processed and fried foods, which are much more difficult for your body to digest and absorb. In order to get rid of the toxins in our bodies, we have to do our best to keep them out in the first place. You will want to eat a well-balanced, healthy diet that consists of real and mostly organic foods. Non-organic foods are usually laden with toxic pesticides. Exercise regularly to help your body sweat out the toxins and get your heart pumping to build up strength. Remember to stay hydrated as water will help to flush out toxins from your body and be mindful of your stress levels. Find different ways to reduce stress so that it cannot negatively impact and foster toxicity.Try This ULTIMATE Detox: Do THIS once a day and rid your body of harmful toxins >>>