It’s no secret that it’s cold and flu season. Being in close proximity to someone who’s sick is hard on your immune system. Some days you wish some people would just use a sick day. Or why is it that your child is always sitting next to the sick kid? It’s time to take back control of your immune system with these tips. It’s no secret that the sun is disappearing for most of the day and that it has a dramatic effect on our mood and our health. People have tried light lamps with limited success (and many a burned face). I knew a guy who would actually stay in Hawaii from October to March every year… Studies about the role vitamin D has in preventing cancer vary from study to study, but what is readily apparent is that there’s a vitamin D receptor on your immune cells. You need vitamin D for your immune system to function properly. When the sun’s not an option as a source, look for vitamin D3 supplements and fatty fish to close the gap. Shoot for around 5,000 IU a day. Suggested: Try our Complete Vitality, it's absolutely loaded with vitamins to fill your daily necessary intake. Check it out here >> It sucks being inside all day. Leaving for work when it’s dark. Getting home when it’s dark. The holidays. Dealing with kids that can’t go outside and get rid of their energy… Being stressed can depress your immune system. The kind of stress you experience when you’ve got to present a project won’t have much of an effect on your ability to fend off a cold but being stressed day after day will. It’s important to take some time for yourself to relieve stress. That might be in the form of drinking a warm cup of tea before you go to bed. Or maybe it’s meditating or taking time to work on your hobby. Suggested: Premium Anxiety Hack Blend up to 68% off here >> Exercise can help get your blood flowing and clear out your lungs. It’s also an excellent way to get rid of some stress, but it’ll also boost your immune system. However, improperly preparing to exercise outside can put some unneeded stress on your body. So stick to the gym, if possible. Or, there are tons of exercises you can do in your home with just your bodyweight – or a gallon of water. I cannot stress this enough. A good night’s sleep is imperative to keeping your immune system humming. Anywhere between 7-9 hours should be good. Hours will vary based on your body’s needs. If you feel like hibernating, don’t ignore it. Suggested: Try our Premium Sleep Hack Blend I know. It’s hard. It’s the holidays and everyone’s serving candy canes and pies and alcohol… Eating healthy every single can be difficult. If you’re having problems, focus on having at least one fresh fruit or vegetable (preferably, vegetable) with every meal. If you’re having difficulty picking, choose broccoli. It’s loaded with vitamin C, calcium, zinc, B vitamins, and a whole bunch of other nutrients. Other viable options include juicing, taking a multivitamin, or drinking a superfood supplement. Not washing your hands is one of the best ways to spread germs. Believe it or not, not everyone has learned to sneeze like Dracula. People touch disgusting things and then put their hands all over the stuff you touch. Let’s not even talk about the remote control or your mouse. Regular washing of your hands is the key to success. I’ve got great news for you if you’re worried about what soap to use! It’s super easy to make your own foaming hand soap. Related: DIY Foaming Hand Soap Recipe These don’t guarantee you’ll escape the winter without getting sick. However, you’ll definitely be less likely to catch a cold, and if you do, your immune system should be raring to go. Less time being sick is always a good thing. Check out our Never Get Sick Home Care Kit… 45% off on this page >> References:
Get Some Vitamin D
Relieve Some Stress
Eat a Healthy Diet
Wash Your Hands