Omega-3 is an essential nutrient that gets a lot of attention – and with good reason. It’s what’s called an essential fatty acid, something your body needs and can’t make on its own. If you’re not making a deliberate effort to monitor your Omega-3 intake, you might not be getting enough. It’s important to take in Omega-3 in a one-to-one ratio with Omega-6, another essential fatty acid. However, since Omega-6 is in a lot of processed foods, most of us get too much of it compared to the Omega-3 in our diets. How can you tell if you have a deficiency of Omega-3? Here are 7 signs to look for. #1: Your Brain Feels Sluggish You probably grew up hearing that fish is “brain food.” It’s not the fish that helps your brain, though – it’s the Omega-3 in the fish! It turns out that Omega-3 has neuroprotective qualities. Studies show that mothers who got sufficient Omega-3 during pregnancy had babies who scored higher on intelligence tests than mothers who did not. Its protective benefits continue throughout your lifetime. #2: Your Body is Inflamed Pain and inflammation are things most of us must deal with. Omega-3 is a powerful anti-inflammatory, and not getting enough of it might let inflammation take control of your body. One study looked at the effects of Omega-3 supplementation on subjects with chronic neck and back pain. It found that after 75 days, 60% of participants reported less pain. Almost as many, 59%, said they had stopped taking the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) they had been taking before the study. #3: You’ve Gained Weight Sometimes, systemic inflammation makes people gain weight. This symptom alone isn’t a sign of Omega-3 deficiency, but if you’ve gained weight, it’s worth adding an Omega-3 supplement to your daily routine. A benefit here is that getting enough Omega-3 may help you lose weight, especially if you’ve gained it as the result of a deficiency. Looking for a great way to get Omega-3's into your daily diet? Try our Arctic Purekrill… It's much more potent than your standard fish oil and you won't get any of those nasty fish burps! Get it here for up to 60% off >> #4: Your Skin is Dry and Unhealthy Essential fatty acids play several important roles in the human body. One is that they protect and nourish your skin – and without them, you might run into problems with dry skin. In other words, if you’re experiencing skin problems, from dry skin to acne to psoriasis, it could be an indication that your body has an Omega-3 deficiency. Fortunately, this is an easy problem to fix, and it can make your skin look and feel healthy. #5: You’re Getting Sick Frequently Your immune system is responsible for protecting your body from viruses and infections. If you’re getting sick a lot – more than usual – it might indicate that you’re lacking Omega-3 in your diet. Research indicates that Omega-3 plays a significant role in modulating and boosting the immune system. Adding more to your diet – or taking a supplement – might help you ward off colds and stay healthy most of the time. #6: You’re Tired Sometimes, we take sleep for granted. If you work hard and have family and social obligations, getting enough sleep may not be a priority. That said, if you’re chronically fatigued and don’t feel rested even after a good night of sleep, you might need more Omega-3 in your diet. One study found that patients with chronic fatigue syndrome were prone to Omega-3 deficiency and concluded that Omega-3 supplements might be part of a treatment strategy for that condition. Related Article: 7 Ways Omega-3's Slow the Effects of Aging #7: Your Vision Has Worsened Our eyesight tends to get worse as we age, but getting insufficient Omega-3 may exacerbate vision loss. Omega-3 protects the eyes and keeps them healthy. It turns out that Omega-3 plays a role in developing healthy vision in embryos. It serves a protective role in adults, shielding our eyes from macular degeneration and other age-related vision problems. Conclusion Getting enough Omega-3 in your diet is essential. One of the best sources is krill oil. Krill is a renewable resource, and the Omega-3 in krill has a high degree of bioavailability, meaning that it’s easy for your body to use. Get the MOST VALUABLE source of Omega-3 on the planet. Pure Krill contains 500mg of Krill in a single serving. Go to our VIP Discount Page >>> References: