For years apple cider vinegar has been used as a household remedy. From digestive issues to detox the body, to household cleaners, apple cider vinegar has many uses you might not have even thought of before. Here are 7 ways apple cider vinegar can improve your health… Digestion As briefly mentioned before, apple cider vinegar can help you and your digestive system by providing good bacteria for your gut. One of the main reasons people feel constipation and other conditions like heartburn are found in the bacteria in the gut. The more bad bacteria you have, the more of a hard time you will have with digestion. Place a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a tall glass of water to help start the process of a cleaner, well moving digestive system. Detoxing Due mostly to the antiseptic properties of apple cider vinegar, many people use it to help clean out their bodies. The antiseptics found in apple cider vinegar are similar to the ones found in the bacteria-killing properties of coconut oil. Think of it as pipe cleaner for your bathroom sink. Mixing a tablespoon of white rice, or simply drink this mixture with water once a day for a week can help clean out the body of harmful bacteria and keep things moving smoothly. Related Article: Apple Cider Detox Delight Recipe Weight loss The secret beyond the claim that apple cider vinegar helps with weight loss comes from the blood sugar regulating properties of this amazing liquid. And while a good diet and plenty of exercise are the foundation of weight loss, a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar a day, or as a dressing for salad, can help fight the accumulation of fat storage when consuming high carbohydrate foods. Are you looking for a way to get Apple Cider Vinegar into your daily diet without having to choke down that nasty tasting liquid? Try This >> Mouthwash Similar to how it helps with detoxing, apple cider vinegar can help you whiten your teeth. With just about a minute of swishing around, apple cider vinegar has been shown to improve the whiteness of teeth. This is done through the same antiseptic pathways as detoxing, only it stays in your body and then is spit out. Try just a tablespoon and move up to a tablespoon and a half when you have done this for a few days. Related: DIY Treatments For Bad Breath Sore Throat No one likes being sick. Nothing is worse when you are sick than not being able to swallow with a lot of pain. A great way to help heal the throat and let the body naturally take care of the bacteria in your body is by gargling apple cider vinegar. This helps kill the bad bacteria accumulating in your throat, speeding up the healing process. Sun Burn Relief When most people of sunburns, they think of aloe vera. While aloe vera is a great method for treating sunburns, so is apple cider vinegar. A combination of both with be even better. Between killing off the dead skin cells with apple cider vinegar, and healing the new skin with aloe, these two as a teamwork wonders for sunburn relief Healthier Hair Believe it or not, apple cider vinegar can actually improve the shine, hold, and look of your hair. If you are one of the few brave enough to try this great trick, mix about a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water in an old shampoo bottle. A few times a week, give it a try as a conditioner after washing your hair the way you would normally. And no, your hair won't smell like apples. We’ve tried. Try our New & Improved Apple Cider Vinegar Complex… All the amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar, none of the nasty taste. Get it here at a massive discount now >>