There is only one certainty in life, we are all going to age and one day pass on to wherever we believe we are going. How we live this life and how we want to age our body is 100% up to us. What you consume and put into your body will be a direct reflection of how well you age.
That said, you are in control of what you put in your body, you choose what to consume. You have two choices, consume junk such as sugar, refined wheat, industrial vegetable oils, margarine, French fries, processed meats, etc. or you can simply consume essential nutrients. Boom!
Wow, we just made a huge breakthrough there. Let me repeat that, simply consume essential nutrients.
Do you have anxiety, depression, trouble sleeping, brain fog, overweight, joint pain? I know I sound repetitive here but I have the solution to your problems, consume essential nutrients people!
There are many ways you can consume these nutrients and sources to get them from. But in this article, I want to focus on the importance of the essential fatty acids, the omega-3s. Research has shown omega-3’s can reduce inflammation and may help reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, arthritis and Alzheimer’s. Omega-3’s are abundant in your brain making the consumption of them very important for the aging of your brain and cognitive function.
Help Brain Function
Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA have been studied to help fight depression and anxiety. This is directly connected to the importance of omega-3’s in your brain. We all know the most noticeable effects of aging, besides your appearance, is your loss of memory, focus, and cognitive functions. I can’t stress enough the importance of these essential fatty acids to fight these effects of aging.
Help Sustain Vision
The second most noticeable effect of aging is losing your vision. Remember that DHA Omega-3 I spoke of in the previous paragraph, it’s actually a major structural component of the retina in your eye. This type of omega-3, when deficient, has been a cause for macular degeneration which is a cause for permanent eye damage and blindness.
Protect Your Heart
Most of the junk food I mentioned, in the beginning, are major components of heart disease and clogged arteries. Strokes and heart attacks are among the leading causes of death. Omega-3’s can lower triglyceride levels, reduce high blood pressure, fight inflammation, prevent harmful blood clots, help cholesterol levels, and prevent plaque formation restricting arteries. All these are linked to heart issues such as strokes and disease.
Reduce Chronic Inflammation
Inflammation can affect your health in so many ways, I mentioned it in the previous paragraph but inflammation isn’t only an issue for your heart but also for a lot of other bodily functions. Inflammation is a natural function of the bodies defense system but can sometimes persist longer than needed, this is called chronic inflammation. Ironically enough, chronic inflammation can lead to higher risk for heart disease and cancer. Seems as though omega-3 needs are connected to numerous functions of your body. They can reduce the production of molecules linked to inflammation, which is very important.
Fight Autoimmune Diseases
Omega-3’s can help fight autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, which is inflammation in your joints causing pain and stiffness. Some research indicates that omega-3’s convert into a chemical compound that can halt inflammation causing arthritis pain.
Promote Baby Health
While pregnant, consuming omega-3’s can prove beneficial for your child once born. Because DHA found in these fatty acids are a part of the retina structure, consuming them can increase the possibility of better eyesight for your child. Other benefits may include higher intelligence, less behavioral problems and reduce the risk of ADHD, autism and cerebral palsy.
Help Sustain Healthy Skin
Finally, they can improve the health of your skin. Omega-3 is essential for a healthy cell membrane resulting in richly soft skin. It can help manage oil production, hydration, acne prevention and premature aging of your skin.
How Can You Consume Omega-3’s
Because our bodies do not produce these fatty acids, they are considered essential fatty acids, you must consume them through food or supplementation. The best food sources to get omega-3’s are from seafood such as salmon, halibut, tuna, krill, and algae. Other sources include flaxseed oil, chia seeds, walnuts, and soybean. Two sources of supplementation are fish oil and krill oil.
What is the difference between fish oil and krill oil, do they have the same benefits?
While they both contain omega-3’s, krill oil is said to be far superior because it's polyunsaturated fats are packaged as phospholipids, which our bodies can use immediately, whereas fish oil fats are packaged as triglycerides, which need to be processed more. Krill oil also contains astaxanthin which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the fats from oxidation, making it the better choice.
In conclusion, doing everything you can TODAY, to prevent issues TOMORROW is the best medicine. Even if you feel you are completely healthy now, I suggest including omega-3’s in your diet NOW so you do not have issues LATER.
Research References
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