We’ve turned the clocks back an hour (well, most of us in the US have). The leaves have pretty much all fallen off the trees by now. It’s November. Thanksgiving is coming. I don’t mean to be all doom and gloom, but the signs are clear. Moisture is starting to get sucked out of the air – and your skin. If you’re in need of more oil, then body butter may be the way for you to go. But if your skin is already oily, or if you’re not a fan of the thick luxuriousness that is body butter, then give this hand cream a shot. Coconut Oil A word about coconut oil before I begin. You technically don’t even need anything fancy. You could just moisturize your skin with coconut oil. Sure, it’s not as much fun, but it’s effective. It’s great for your skin because of all of its saturated fat goodness. It’ll help keep you skin moisturized and can help prevent moisture loss through your pores. And if you want to make it more fun, just whip it for about 5 minutes (do NOT melt it first) and add 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil. The Hand Cream Recipe It’s pretty simple, but effective. Everything, of course, is natural and much better for you than the majority of what you’ll find in stores. You’re going to skip out on the harsh chemicals and only provide your skin with nourishing ingredients. What You’ll Need Directions
• ¼ cup olive oil
• 1 Tablespoon beeswax
• Essential oils (optional)
• Double boiler
• Whisk
• Jar
2. Once it’s all melted together, remove from the heat and allow to cool for 5 minutes.
3. Add your essential oils. 10-20 drops should do it.
4. Whisk it all until you get a nice creamy texture. Personally, I like to do everything by hand, but you could use an electric mixer.
Now, this is a little thin. Though, the beeswax helps give it some stiffness. You really don’t need a whole lot – especially if you’re only putting this on your hands.
But why did I have you add olive oil?
Cause olive oil is amazing for your skin. It’s got the all-important omega-3s that coconut oil is missing (and trust me, you really, really want them). Unfortunately, it’s also comes with that olive oil scent. So if you are going to add essential oils, make sure what you’re using has a strong enough smell to overcome the olive oil.