From time to time we come across questions from our customers that we feel would be beneficial for all our followers. We’ve decided to share these questions with you as well as the answers we have provided for them. Hopefully, these questions and answers will prove to be helpful information for you and your optimal health. Today’s question: – Larry V Q – I really like using your “7 Drink Recipes That Kill Inflammation“ recipe book and cooking with Turmeric Powder, but I also take your Turmeric capsules in the morning and at night with my other vitamins. Is this ok or will this be too much Turmeric? ** 65% OFF our Premium Grade Turmeric Curcumin A – That’s a great question Larry and I’m sure plenty of other people are wondering the same thing. While, in some cases, you can consume too much Turmeric, eating the powder in your food and consuming our capsules morning and night will not reach that threshold. Some people purposely want a higher dose of Turmeric to help alleviate the pain they may be experiencing. A good way to do this is by eating the powder in meals while also taking our capsules. There is a method called uptitration in which you gradually increase a dosage followed by observation of the effects. Maybe start low and gradually increase if this is something you are interested in doing. Also, the fresh powder you receive from the grocery store has a very low amount of curcumin, which is the active ingredient in the Turmeric, versus taking a supplement that includes the powder and extract. This ingredient, curcumin, is what contains most of the medicinal properties of Turmeric. Hopefully, you found this information helpful, thanks for taking the time to ask Larry. Let us know if you have any other questions. RELATED Q&A ARTICLE: Q & A 5: When I cook with Turmeric, does it still contain all the benefits? FLASHSALE – BUY 1 GET 2 FREE on our Premium Grade Turmeric Curcumin