From time to time we come across questions from our customers that we feel would be beneficial for all our followers. We’ve decided to share these questions with you as well as the answers we have provided for them. Hopefully, these questions and answers will prove to be helpful information for you and your optimal health. Today’s Question: – Heather V Q – Hi there, can someone explain, in the simplest terms, the difference between Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes? A – Hey Heather, While these both deal with the digestive system, they both have very different responsibilities. Digestive Enzymes are proteins such as protease, lipase, amylase, and lactase that facilitate the breakdown of the food you eat into to smaller, more absorbable components. Probiotics play a role in not only digestive and gut health but also immune health. Probiotics are live bacteria that help with the absorption of the nutrients from the broken-down food you eat. Both are equally important but play very different roles in your health. We actually just published 2 articles about this very question, if you haven't had a chance to read through them I've added the links below. They have more detailed explanations for you to reference: “3 Differences Between Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics” “3 Unnecessary Ways You Are Destroying Your Digestive System” Hopefully I was able to answer your question Heather. Thanks for choosing us to join you in your health journey.